Trekking Club

Trekking Club

While a few sporting exercises are directed at colleges, there are no such activities to foster a feeling of experience and exploration among the students. At RGI, to address something very similar, we have chosen to begin Trekking Club.

The trekking club started with a notion to elevate the student's capacity to go through difficult territories and face unfriendly circumstances with certainty. The exercises of the trekking club advance social responsibility and obligation, which might prompt confronting difficulties during fierce events like flood avalanches, quakes, and so forth. Subsequently, in a collateral way, these students develop themselves socially, sincerely, and mentally.

Adventure sports for the students are exceptionally well known with both undergrad and postgraduate understudies of the school. The accentuation is on actual wellness, games, sports and experience that are to enhance the efficiency levels as well as assemble cooperation in a climate of kinship and trust. Likewise, investment in experience and related open air exercises advances among understudies authority, fortitude, life, and a healthy self-awareness development and comradeship.

Aside from fostering the soul of experience, the club offers a decent open door to the understudies to encounter nature through journeying.

Trekking clubs are the type of clubs that are meant for hikers, and these clubs are created for our trek-enthusiast youngsters. This club makes the members aware of the basics of this sport and organizes trips for all the people who are interested in hiking and want to share their experiences with each other. Aside from the hiking activities, members of the trekking club can also share their opinions and ideas about the various trails that they have been to.

All the activities help members to develop close bonds with each other. A few people who are not interested in extreme sports also join these clubs because they have a few friends who are members of the club. They can get in touch with other members of the club because of this.

This club is available at -