

G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur


Ideation of Startup

Ideation of Startup, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Difference between Entrepreneurship and Business

Entrepreneurship hobby club of G H Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur organized an expert talk on Ideation of Startup, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Difference between Entrepreneurship and Business on 20th August 2022 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm for entrepreneurship hobby club students. The expert for this talk is Dr. Abhay Kahaltkar, Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department and Coordinator of G H Raisoni Technology Business Incubator. Initially, students visited G H Raisoni Technology Business Incubator, and then Dr. Abhay Khalatkar explains various things related to startups such as Ideation of Startup, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, and Difference between Entrepreneurship and Business students. During the expert talk, he solve all doubts of students related to startups.
