

Sadabai Raisoni Women's College, Nagpur


Fibonacci Day

Fibonacci Day Celebrated at SRWC, Nagpur

On November 22, 2024, Sadabai Raisoni Women’s College, Nagpur, celebrated Fibonacci Day by organizing a Poster Competition for BCA and B.Sc (IT) students. This event aimed to encourage creativity and provide a platform for students to showcase the significant contributions of Fibonacci to the field of mathematics. Participants were invited to create both handmade and digital posters that illustrated Fibonacci's influence and the fascinating concepts associated with his work, such as the Fibonacci sequence and its applications in nature, art, and science. The students displayed remarkable enthusiasm and put forth commendable effort in their creations, reflecting their understanding and appreciation of Fibonacci's impact. The competition not only highlighted the artistic talents of the students but also fostered a deeper appreciation for mathematical concepts and their relevance in various fields. The vibrant posters adorned the college, sparking conversations and interest among peers and faculty alike. Overall, the Fibonacci Day Poster Competition was a resounding success, inspiring students to explore the beauty of mathematics while celebrating the legacy of one of its most renowned figures.
