

G. H. Raisoni College of Arts, Commerce and Science Nagpur


Dance Workshop

G H Raisoni College of Commerce Science & Technology had organised “A Dance Workshop” by Mr. Somnath Hotta a well-known contemporary dancer and instructor at Kings United India. He is widely known & famous for his unique & mesmerising moves, musicality & pure nature. Around 50 plus participants came from all over the states. They were very energetic and quick to learn the dance forms enthusiastically. Dr. Aarti Deshpande Director Raisoni business School, Prof Madhuri Barua Dean Student Support Progression, Dr. Jasvinder Kaur Principal, appreciated all the participants. The program was organized by Mr. Chetan Dashmukhe & Dr. Annapurna Metta Incharge Cultural Forum & students committee members.
