

G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Business Management


Code Cruncher’s Challenge II

GHRIEBM, Jalgaon Organized “Code Cruncher’s Challenge II”

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology at G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Business Management recently hosted an exciting event, the Code Cruncher's Challenge II, organized by the Coder's Club. The event took place on January 12, 2024, at 2:00 pm. 107 students participated in the challenge, showcasing their skills and enthusiasm for coding.

The competition focused on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), specifically testing the students' knowledge of the C++ programming language. Since some practicals at the institute are based on C++, this event provided a valuable platform for students to demonstrate their proficiency in this programming language.

All 107 participants exhibited their problem-solving abilities and dedication, making the event successful. As recognition of their efforts, every participant was awarded a certificate for active participation in the Code Cruncher's Challenge II.

This initiative not only encouraged healthy competition but also contributed to the overall learning and engagement of students in the field of computer science and programming. The Department remains committed to organizing such events to nurture and showcase the talents of its students.
