
G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technolgy, Nagpur

Mini Project development using Python

Workshop on “Mini Project development using Python” at GHRIET, Nagpur

The Department of Artificial Intelligence at G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur has organized a workshop on “Mini Project development using Python” under its AI Club / AI Forum / IEEE SB on 12th & 13th Oct 2023 by Seed Infotech Pvt. Ltd. The workshop aimed to provide participants with hands-on experience in developing small-scale Python projects, emphasizing practical skills and problem-solving capabilities. It was attended by a diverse group of participants eager to enhance their Python programming knowledge.
Day 1:  

The workshop kicked off on October 12th, with participants joining from various educational backgrounds and professional experiences. The morning session began with a warm welcome and an introduction to the instructors, followed by an overview of the workshop's objectives.
Session 1: Introduction to Python for Mini Projects

The first session provided an introduction to Python programming, its applications, and the significance of mini projects. The instructors covered Python basics, including data types, variables, and control structures. Participants were encouraged to actively engage by writing their first Python programs.

Session 2: Project Planning and Ideation

In the second session, participants learned the fundamentals of project planning, including requirement analysis, defining project scope, and ideation. They worked in groups to brainstorm project ideas, ensuring they addressed real-world problems and applied Python programming concepts.

Session 3: Python for Data Manipulation

The afternoon session was dedicated to data manipulation in Python. Instructors demonstrated techniques for reading, processing, and analysing data using Python libraries such as Pandas and NumPy. Participants completed practical exercises to solidify their understanding.

Day 2:

The second day of the workshop delved deeper into Python programming and project development, focusing on more advanced topics.

Session 4: Building Mini Projects

In the morning, participants were divided into teams based on their project ideas. They began coding and developing their mini projects under the guidance of experienced instructors. The instructors provided code reviews, debugging tips, and guidance on project structure.

Session 5: Python for Web Development

The fifth session introduced web development with Python. Participants learned about web frameworks, such as Django and Flask, and how to create web applications. They had the opportunity to build a basic web application during the workshop.

Session 6: Project Presentation and Feedback


The workshop concluded with participants presenting their mini projects to the group. Each team explained their project's objectives, features, and the Python technologies used. Instructors and fellow participants provided constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.


The "Mini Project Development using Python" workshop by SeedInfotech Pvt. Ltd. provided a valuable platform for participants to enhance their Python programming skills while working on real-world projects. The hands-on approach, project ideation, and the opportunity to build and present mini projects made this workshop an engaging and educational experience.

Participants left the workshop with a better understanding of Python, project development methodologies, and practical experience in creating mini projects. SeedInfotech Pvt. Ltd. remains committed to providing quality educational opportunities for professionals and students in the field of technology and programming.  We look forward to more such informative and practical workshops from SeedInfotech Pvt. Ltd. in the future.

E-Certificates were distributed to all eligible participants. AI Club President Ruhi Gedam, Vice President Shwetal Potle along with their team worked tirelessly under the supervision of Prof.Tabassum H Khan AI Club faculty In-charge, Prof. Shweta Bhelonde & Prof. Rakesh Pandey AI Forum faculty In-charges to make the Event successful. We thank Director Dr. Vivek Kapur Sir, HoD Dr. Smita Nirkhi Ma’am and the members of AI Club for making this event a grand success.
