E- Vehicle


G. H. Raisoni College of Engg & Management, Pune

E- Vehicle

"Systems Engineering as Applied to Electric Vehicle Integration”

Guest lecture on "Systems Engineering as Applied to Electric Vehicle Integration” at GHRCEM, Pune

 The e-Vehicle Club of the Electrical Engineering Department at G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management (GHRCEM) in Pune hosted an enlightening guest lecture on October 10, 2023. The event featured Mr. Vikrant Vaidya, Co-Founder and President of eVACAD and Senior Partner & VP of EV Systems Engineering at pManifold in Nagpur, as the esteemed speaker. 

The lecture event began with a warm welcome from the e-Vehicle Club's dedicated student volunteers, who recognized Mr. Vikrant Vaidya for his exceptional contributions to the electric vehicle industry. Dr. K.C. Vora, a professor of practice, was also in attendance, supporting the event. Dr. V.M. Panchade, the head of the Electrical Engineering Department, elaborated on the department's activities and underscored the lecture's significance in fostering motivation and awareness among the attendees.


Mr. Vikrant Vaidya, an industry expert, brought his extensive knowledge to the forefront, providing valuable insights into the latest trends in electric vehicle technology and the critical role of system engineering in e-vehicles. His engaging and informative speech shed light on the potential of e-vehicles in reducing carbon emissions and their significant contribution to a cleaner environment. 

The event reached its pinnacle with a prize distribution ceremony aimed at recognizing outstanding contributions and achievements done by students in a poster presentation competition organized on Engineer's day, September 15, 2023, and the SPPU Avishkar- 2023 competition preliminary round. 

Dr. Asha Shendge, Faculty Coordinator of the E-Vehicle Club, extended gratitude on behalf of the club during the vote of thanks. Attendees provided overwhelmingly positive feedback, praising the event's educational value and commending the invaluable insights shared by the guest speaker. The lecture was an eye-opening exploration of various facets of e-vehicles and their integration into systems.


This event exemplified GHRCEM's commitment to fostering collaboration between academia and industry, providing students with expert insights and experiences contribute to their growth and understanding of cutting-edge technologies.
