

G. H. Raisoni College of Engg & Management, Pune


Basics of Embedded Systems and Robotics

Two-week mooc course on “Basics of Embedded Systems and Robotics” organized under e-Yantra/Robotics club.

 The faculties and students of various department registered for two-week mooc course on “Basics of Embedded Systems and Robotics” under e-yantra under eLSI initiative funded by MHRD government of India and organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. The IIT Bombay offered to do the complimentary enrollment for above mentioned two-week mooc course for 12 students and two faculties as our institute is registered under eLSI initiative at IIT Bombay.

 17 students and four faculties have registered for two-week mooc course and successfully completed.  The above mentioned mooc was to hands-on based followed by online quizzes. There were six problems statement and three quizzes. The e-Yantra, IIT Bombay will assess the participants mooc submission and certificates will be issues to successful participants only. The faculties and students upgraded the knowledge on robotics. The glimpses of two-week mooc course:
