Coding & Ethical Hacking


G. H. Raisoni College of Engg & Management, Pune

Coding & Ethical Hacking

Cloud Server Management

Workshop on “Cloud Server Management” at GHRCEM, Pune

The AI and Coding Club of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, GHRCEM Pune organized a one day workshop on “Cloud Server Management” with Mr. Pratik Mundada. The event was conducted on 21st January 2023, from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM.

It was started at 10:00 am and more than 60 students have attended the workshop.  Mr. Pratik Mundada sir started the theory session by introducing his journey and experience in cloud computing and server management. Also, he has covered practical session. 

Topic covered in session –

·         Introduction of cloud computing

·         Conceptual technical knowledge and important traits.

·         Processor architecture and their information

·         Explained the technical and non-technical side of servers

·         The difference between safety of HTTP and HTTPS

·         Ethical hacking information

The aim of event was to bring awareness among students regarding cloud computing and server management

