Web Design


G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

Web Design

Quiz Mania on Web Development Technology

Quiz Mania on Web Development Technology

The Quiz mania on website development and designing was organized on 12th October 2022. It was organized for all the students of web designing hobby club members of CSE, and IT students. The quiz mania was very competitive.

Total 7 teams participated for the event. Each team could have a maximum of 4 members. There were 3 rounds in quiz mania. The Quiz got tougher and interesting with each round. First round was about HTML, second round was focused on CSS, and final round was about JAVA script. Teams were given the names in alphabetical order. All the teams did well in the first round.

Team E was disqualified after 1st round. At the end of the second round Teams A, B, F and G were disqualified. At the end of the final round Team C became the winners and Team D were the runner-up.

Winning Team C members:  1) Manish Shahu

2) Mohit Singh

3) Pratik Vaidya

4) Rahul Sukare

Runner-up Team D members: 1) Onkar Lanjewar

2) Sahil Wadhai

3) Shantanu Somani

4) Siddesh
