Web Design


G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

Web Design

Web Designing - UI/UX


Guest Lecture on “Web Designing - UI/UX”

The interactive guest lecture on Web Designing -UI/UX was organized on 23rd September 2022. It was organized for all the students of Web designing hobby club and for all CSE branch V students. The session was very informative and interactive. It encouraged all the students to build interest in learning about industry exposure.  Guest Speaker for the session was Mr. Sarang Gurve, Web developer, IT - NetworkZ infosystems Pvt Ltd. He started the session with Client Side websites designing and light Weight Technologies like HTML, CSS and Javascript. He guided us in making the ‘Form Validation Website using Javascript’. He told about the use of VS Code in Web Development and live server Extension. Sir introduce all the properties and functions used for making the forms elements.  The session further proceeded interactively. Guest was very happy to receive and answer the questions raised by students. The session progressed further with further information about UI/UX and its importance in companies . The session was concluded with vote of thanks given by Ms. Pradnya Channe.



